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NW Lehigh to hold graduation ceremony this weekend

Northwestern Lehigh’s Class of 2020 has had nearly all their milestones taken away from them this year due to the stay-at-home order issued by Gov. Tom Wolf because of the coronavirus pandemic.

But with some creative thinking and administrative effort, the seniors will be able to have a graduation ceremony, if a bit different from usual, this Saturday.

“Each graduate was provided a time to come to the campus, and students will be individually dropped off, get their photo taken in their cap and gown, walk toward the arts and athletics entrance where they will receive their diploma in front of their family, and then depart in their car,” Superintendent Jennifer Holman emailed. “Graduation this year is an invitation-only event with individual distribution of diplomas this Saturday to keep the mass gathering numbers within the numbers allowed by Gov. Wolf’s plan.”

Holman also noted the district will produce a virtual ceremony of the seniors’ special day.

According to Director of Athletics and Student Activities Jason Zimmerman, graduation will begin 11 a.m. In case of inclement weather, students will receive diplomas 1 p.m. Sunday.

The school district administration is not the only entity showing its creativity.

Moms Jolene Miller and Karen Heiter, along with photographer Leroy Bogert, have a special tribute planned for the seniors to celebrate one of the biggest moments in their lives.

A drive-thru senior tribute is planned for 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Ontelaunee Park. The tribute will be ready for graduates and their families so they can drive from the graduation ceremony to the park.

For information, parents can reach out to Jolene Miller at 484-515-8012 or bellaninas2@yahoo.com.

Moms Karen Heiter and Jolene Miller have created a special tribute to be held Saturday at Ontelaunee Park for members of the Northwestern Lehigh Class of 2020. PRESS PHOTO BY BERNADETTE SUKLEY