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Virtual hugs may help kids self-soothe

“It’s not fair … just when we really could use a hug the most, we can’t get one!”

That comment, from a young girl in KidsPeace’s residential treatment program, resonates with many.

The organization believes she gave voice to a need felt throughout our communities and our country at this challenging time - that combating the COVID-19 crisis demands a response rooted in caring for each other, regardless of distance or separation.

In that spirit, KidsPeace wants to introduce the KidsPeace Virtual Hug, a way to show how much you care for those you cannot hold in person that carries with it the therapeutic benefits of a real old-fashioned traditional hug.

You can learn more about the KidsPeace Virtual Hug and its benefits by visiting the organization’s blog at www.kidspeace.org/news.