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Online food safety certification to be held

Penn State Extension is offering online food safety certification course to keep up with regulations.

Is your ServSafe certificate expiring soon? Concerned about how you will recertify? If so, consider registering for TAP (Training Achievement Program) Series through Penn State Extension.

This is an online training course for food service managers, chefs, caterers, cooks, health officials and inspectors to prepare for the ServSafe exam. The online learning portion can be taken anytime throughout the year. The actual ServSafe certification exam must be taken in person.

Extension educators will work with you to schedule an exam once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

After completing the online course and passing the proctored, multiple-choice exam with a score of 75% or higher, participants will receive the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification, which meets the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture requirements for the Food Employee Certification Act.

For more information and to register, visit extension.psu.edu/tap-online