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Brodhead Watershed to hold water webinar

April showers bring May flowers, and on May 2, Brodhead Watershed Association will host a webinar on how to keep your water clean and the garden growing all summer long.

The online class, called Gardening for Clean Water, will begin at 9 a.m. with local Master Gardener Amy Romanelli-Girardi.

Learn how your choice of plants can directly and indirectly contribute to water quality, how home landscapes impact the entire area drained by Brodhead Creek, and which native plants work for yourself, wildlife and everyone’s drinking water.

Romanelli-Girardi, a resident of Barrett Township for 20 years, has worked for a local garden center/nursery, tending to the stock of trees, shrubs and perennials. She particularly enjoyed helping customers make selections that matched their preferences with their site conditions.

The webinar is free, but registration is required by noon on May 1.

To register, email info@brodheadwatershed.org or phone 570-839-1120. Instructions for signing in for the webinar will be sent to registrants.

Note that dates and times are subject to change. People who register will be notified of any changes, and changes will be posted on the BWA website at brodheadwatershed.org/greening-mountainhome.

Gardening for Clean Water is one in a series of Go Green at Home workshops and part of BWA’s Greening Mountainhome project. Future workshops will include: July 25, rain barrels and how to install them; Sept. 12, rain gardens tour.