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Students participate in trip to Yuengling Brewery

Twenty students from Bloomsburg University participated in a Husky Career Road Trip to the Yuengling Brewery in Pottsville on Feb. 20.

Students were given a tour of the brewery while learning the 190-year history of the company and met members of the Yuengling family. Students also took part in a presentation on marketing plans and strategies for product launches led by Tyler Simpson, Director of Marketing at D.G. Yuengling & Son Inc.

The trip was arranged by Dr. Thomas Tanner and Professor Michael Huben from the Bloomsburg University Zeigler College of Business to help students gain career insights, industry exposure, and professional connections.

Sarah Herring of Barnesville participated.

“Our students had the opportunity to hear from the leadership at Yuengling about their marketing plan for 2020, and the importance of product launches,” explained Professor Michael Huben. “The Husky Career Road Trip to the Yuengling Brewery helped our marketing and sales students understand the importance of developing and refining a marketing plan, and the need to align the execution of the plan with sales.”