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Social distancing at Walmart

Walmart in Mahoning Township has installed tape outside the entrance to encourage people to practice social distancing. In the store, there are signs reminding people stay 6 feet apart, washing their hands for 20 seconds and to stay home if they develop a fever of 100 degrees or more. The store also has an hour set aside from 6 to 7 a.m. for senior citizens and at-risk residents. COPYRIGHT LARRY NEFF/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS

Walmart in Mahoning Township has installed tape outside the entrance to encourage people to practice social distancing. In the store, there are signs reminding people stay 6 feet apart, washing their hands for 20 seconds and to stay home if they develop a fever of 100 degrees or more. The store also has an hour set aside from 6 to 7 a.m. for senior citizens and at-risk residents. COPYRIGHT LARRY NEFF/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS