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Impeachment pie in the face of the Democrats

Upon reading this biased article titled “Worth impeachment?” I felt it was necessary to write my article in opposition of this one-sided commentary to impress on the fact that it is very important for all of us, regardless of our political affiliation, to look at the truth with some common sense.

Since Donald J. Trump was elected our president in 2016, the Democratic Party has done absolutely nothing to help make America great again by working with our Congress, and the president, but in spite of the total opposition from the Democrats, our president has still succeeded in creating the strongest and most prosperous American economy in our history.

Our president has rebuilt our military to once again provide “peace through strength,” and he has brought credibility back to our police and first responders, along with feelings of patriotism, love for America and pride for our national anthem and American flag. Donald J. Trump has done more to help all of the American people, regardless of race, in only three years, than the previous two presidents had done in their eight-year terms. Most importantly, he has kept God in America as “one nation under God” and he is continuing to fight for limiting abortion through defunding Planned Parenthood.

Imagine how much more President Trump could have achieved if he would have had the Democrats working with him, in just doing their job as what they were elected to do. Instead of only exhibiting hatred, and radical opposition like this phony impeachment hoax, which has not produced one bit of evidence of any wrongdoing from our president. Whether you like Donald J. Trump personally or not doesn’t really matter when you know how much he has done for America in such a short time. “Promises made, promises kept!”

If you want America to turn into a socialist, Third World country like Cuba and Venezuela, be sure to vote Democratic in the next presidential election in 2020. You have a wide selection of socialist Democrats campaigning to choose from.

Jack Selby
