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Cybersecurity training at Penn State Hazleton

Penn State Hazleton will host a cybersecurity entrepreneurship conference on Nov. 13, as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week at Penn State.

The “Cybersecurity for Small Businesses” conference will take place in the Slusser/Bayzick Building and is open to students, faculty and the public.

The program was designed to help small businesses learn about the dangers and impact of potential cyberattacks.

Research has found that 543,000 new small businesses are founded each month, with 44 to 50 percent of small businesses experiencing cyberattacks.

Further, recovery costs from a cyberattack for a small business can average more than $40,000, and 60 percent of small businesses that experience a cyberattack go out of business within six months.

During the conference, attendees will learn how cybersecurity affects entrepreneurship, why small businesses are easy victims of cyberattacks, the impact of small business cyberattacks, and common security risks to small businesses.

They will also hear about resources to assist small businesses with pre-emptive techniques to help resist cyberattacks.

The event begins at 8:45 a.m. with registration and breakfast snacks, and concludes at 12:45 p.m. after lunch.

Preregistration is required.

Register online at http://bit.ly/CyberConf or contact the Penn State Hazleton Department of Continuing Education at 570-450-3110 or dxk40@psu.edu.

For more information on the event, contact Ellen Raineri, assistant teaching professor of business, at emr13@psu.edu.