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Where do you draw the line?

To the editor:

A recent letter to the editor was written by someone with an extremely low regard for her local school board and its teachers.

So, a “conflict of interest” would exist if a custodian in that district would run for a seat on the board.

What about a parent who has children in that district? Same situation? Where do you draw the line?

The objectives of a school board member are to ensure the running of the district in an efficient manner and that every student receives the best education possible.

In addition to property taxes, public schools also receive aid from both the federal and state governments. Both the district AND THE TEACHERS contribute to the state pension fund.

My husband and I moved six years ago so that he could be closer to his job. He knew it had to be done. It’s called “downsizing.” Many seniors do it for various reasons. We did it for practical reasons.

The school district in the West End has its students on track for a productive life in the 21st century outside of the district. Either get on board or get out of the way! If you’re putting a price tag on education, what kind of tag would you put on ignorance?

Any qualified resident of a school district can run for a seat on the school board, if he or she does not like the ways it’s functioning.

Darlene Ochs
