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Schuylkill County personnel

During a meeting Wednesday, the Schuylkill County Commissioners approved the following personnel changes and salaries.

• David Unger, Wayne Township, Field Appraiser, tax assessment bureau, retirement as of Feb. 15, 2019.

• Joseph Ferraro, Port Carbon, security guard II, Sheriff’s Office, resignation.

• Patrick Haughney, Pottsville, appointed to security guard II, Sheriff’s Office, at a rate of $15 per hour.

• Courtney Miller, New Ringgold, appointed to security guard I, Sheriff’s Office, at a rate of $12 per hour.

• Andreah White, Ryan Township, Clerk III, Clerk of Courts office, wage increase to $14.74.

• Appointed Joe Cazonie, Minersville, to work as temporary Deputy Sheriff to fill in for an employee on a leave of absence. Cazonie’s hourly rate will be increased to $18.50 per hour during the temporary time.

— Lisa Price