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W. Penn approves enhanced security measures at municipal building

West Penn Township intends to move forward with enhanced security measures at its municipal building.

Supervisors, on a 2-0 vote, agreed Monday morning to have a security door installed with camera and intercom in the amount of $2,919. Supervisor Tim Houser was absent.

Supervisor Ted Bogosh on several occasions has said that in light of recent shootings elsewhere, he believes there’s a need for heightened security.

The most recent case was on Nov. 27, when David Richard Green walked into the Paradise Township building in Monroe County and shot sewage enforcement officer Michael Paul Tripus, 65. Tripus died at the scene.

Green told police he was having issues with getting permits for his home.

Board Chairman Tony Prudenti and Supervisor Tim Houser also said heightened security was a wise move.

Also on Monday, supervisors approved the township road department to purchase tools for its new 2019 Silverado work truck in the amount of $6,000.