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Schuylkill treasurer issues dog licenses reminder

True or False: Dogs don’t have to be licensed until they are 6 months old.

True or False: Dogs must have a rabies shot, but there are no laws about rabies shots for cats.

Both statements are false. During a workshop meeting Wednesday, Schuylkill County Treasurer Linda Marchalk reminded residents that dog licenses are due by the new year.

“State law requires that all dogs 3 months or older be licensed by Jan. 1, 2019,” Marchalk noted in her written report to the commissioners. “Additionally, all dogs and nonferal cats (3 months of age and older) must be vaccinated against rabies.”

To purchase a dog license, go to the county treasurer’s office or a local dog agent. For a list of agents, go to www.co.schuylkill.pa.us/Offices/Treasurer. You may also purchase a license online at PADogLicense.com. The annual license cost is $8.50 or $6.50 for dogs that are spayed or neutered. Lifetime licenses are $51.50 or $31.50 for spayed or neutered dogs, and are only available at the treasurer’s office. Fail to license a dog? That could cost you a $300 fine.

“Not only is it a state law, but obtaining a license is a good way to ensure the safety of our pets,” Marchalk said. If a dog is lost or stolen, a license can safely reunite the animal with the owner.

Marchalk issued the treasurer’s report for October:

Revenue from taxes: Real estate $275,723; funded debt tax $8,336; per capita $14,173.

Revenue from the sale of licenses: Dog licenses $316.50 (state $3,186); hunting licenses $100 (state $887.20); fishing license $2 (state $34.80); bingo $1,015; and small games of chance, $1,750.

Other revenue: Magistrate fees $44,732.80; hotel tax commissions $2,167.18; and hotel tax $49,134.50.