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Lehighton will survive

Well, here we go again! Lehighton electing someone who now embarrasses the whole district and community by bullying and harassing school employees. Why would someone who is supposed to be an example to our students do this? I guess the same person who showed up dressed like he was going to a picnic rather than to a graduation.

Time and time again, he has shown he is only there to cause a ruckus, not to do something positive for the district and community. By the way, he and his three followers have failed miserably in their search for something that is not there.

He has called Little Leaguers who play for Franklin Township “moochers” that exist off the people in the township who have had baseball and softball there for almost 40 years with no controversy. This guy has even voted against the school hiring two full-time police officers, even though the district got a state grant to hire them. These so-called flippers have flopped when it comes to benefit the community, our schools and most of all our children.

I read again that there will be no tax increase for Lehighton school district residents four years in a row. Please tell me what other school board has done that, and still people believe these people who have no involvement in the community except to try to disrupt it. Well, flippers, we have been through this before and this town is much stronger than you and your cohorts. It will survive your attempts to do otherwise.

Dolores Solt,
