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It’s the Reader’s Turn with Panther Valley sixth graders

‘Where would you like to travel to?’

Merissa Miller“I would go to a different country, in Asia, maybe. I’d like to see the different cultures they have there. In school we used to do different days, different countries we would pick.”
Jeldina Gjoca“The Helen Keller House in Alabama. We learned in (English and language arts) that she lived there. I would like to learn more about her.”
Stephen Hood“The beach. Everyone could do different things there. You could go in the water, play in the sand or play sports on the beach.”
Tyler Black“Probably North Carolina — the college — to see the basketball team play.”
Hayden Goida“Probably Los Angeles. Go to the beach, and go to new places I haven’t gone before. It’s just somewhere to go to. It’s not in this area.”
Julia Ortiz“I would go to a different country, just explore what’s in the country. Either Brazil, Honduras or El Salvador. I’ve never been to them, and that’s where my family comes from.”