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Palmerton Parkside Elementary 1st grade: What are your favorites things to do when the school is canceled because of snow?

Ashlyn AnthonyI’m going to celebrate, do math at home and stay in my pajamas all day long.
Paige Clewell-HarmadyI would go out in the snow and play if my mom lets me. If not I will set in my bed and watch TV and drink hot chocolate.
Cooper RexI would play outside in the snow and if my neighbors are outside too will throw snowballs.
Violet ScottGo outside and play in the snow and my sister and I would build a snowman together.
Kylee DietterichI would go outside and throw snow balls and make snow angels. Then with all my friends we would make a snowman.
Chase SebeliinI would play with my toys, watch TV and drink hot cocoa.