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Virtual demential tour in Bowmanstown

Blue Mountain Health System and Arden Courts Memory Care Community will co-sponsor a free Virtual Dementia Tour and Memory Café on Wednesday at the Bowmanstown Medical Plaza, 512 Bank St. in Bowmanstown. Fifteen-minute appointments from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. are available. To attend, register at 610-377-7070.

The Virtual Dementia Tour allows one to experience firsthand the overwhelming effects of the aging process when combined with Alzheimer’s disease and other memory impairments. You will become aware of the challenges from performing ordinary tasks people living with memory loss face.

At 2 p.m., there will be a “Memory Café” hour hosted by Arden Courts, specifically for people with dementia and their caregivers. This informal setting provides caregivers a forum for discussion, reducing the isolation often felt by people with dementia, their caregivers and families. Discussions can range from practical tips for coping with dementia, avoiding caregiver burnout or information about community resources.

You do not have to participate in the Virtual Dementia Tour to attend the Memory Café, but please call to register if you are interested in the memory cafe portion of the program.