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Welcome to the new tnonline.com

Welcome to our new  www.tnonline.com.

We have a new look, the same local stories and so much more.

The new website will give you the same local news in a more organized format and give you a more personalized reading experience.

Our stories contain tags to take you to related content based on what you are interested in reading.

You’ll see a better display of photos and Photo Galleries, plus videos embedded right into articles.

We’ll have photos from readers, a sports scoreboard and flipbook-style special sections.

Because we are on a new platform, we are asking our readers to re-register for the website to allow you to best utilize the site and comment on articles.

To complete your registration, please click “Login” at the top right of the new website. It will prompt you to log in or create a new account.

To create an account, enter a valid email address, which be used by our company to deliver your user name, password, notifications and news right to your email. 

Watch for new contests and interactive features in coming months.

Spend some time with us and let us know what you think.  We’d love to hear from you at tneditor@tnonline.com