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We asked people on social media what they're doing to take better care of themselves as they get older. This is what they had to say:

Irene Walker"I hit 40 and I had a 5- and a 3-year-old. I was sort of active prior to kids, but really put myself on the back burner when the kiddos came along. After #2, I noticed that I didn't bounce back as quickly.I was tired, eating crap, feeling like crap. It has never been about losing weight or being thin. A mom in a birth group for #2 became a Beachbody coach, and I started there.For me it's more mental than physical. Yes, I loved it when I moved up to heavier weights, or noticed I could pick up heavier things without as much strain, but the 20-45 minutes of working out in the morning (and I make a point of getting up before everyone else) is for me - to focus on just me.Overall I feel so much better - eating cleaner than before, but I still treat myself. As an older parent, I want to be able to keep up with two very active boys - and live to watch them grow old."Kathy Pritchard"I am hoping that 60 is definitely middle age! I try, sometimes not so much, to stay healthy. After a year and a half of a sinus infection, I am beginning to take control again.It is an uphill battle, but one step at a time. I can't do extreme workouts (fibromyalgia), but a little at a time. Staying busy is what works for me. I don't like to eat late, so I try as soon as I get home from work, and that helps to not have indigestion later.Staying busy another couple of hours helps me sleep. I'm getting back into walking and really enjoy that. I wish I could do more, but baby steps.When it's not too hot, I can take time at work and walk the five-story garage. And that does help because I sit most of the day."No matter what age you are, you can take steps toward a healthier lifestyle. Just remember to consult with a physician before beginning a diet or fitness regimen.- Karen Cimms