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Puppet show Tuesday at IceHouse in Bethlehem

Mock Turtle Marionette Theater presents "Book, Beast and Puppet" for Topsy, Turvy, Tuesday at the Charles Brown IceHouse, 56 River Road, Sand Island in Bethlehem at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday.

The program, featuring a parade of the theater's animal puppets, short tales and audience participation, culminates in a dragon-making puppet workshop for the whole family. Everybody will get to make a dragon.Tickets includethe show and workshop combination. Contact Mock Turtle Marionette Theater for details, directions and reservations at 610-653-3462 or email

doug@mockturtle.org.This year's family series has been supported by donations from Just Born, Lehigh County, The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and The Lehigh Valley Arts Council.