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Local KeyBank employees help make a difference

As their track record indicates, KeyBank employees know how to make a difference.

That was evident when employees from the bank's Lehighton branch participated in KeyBank's 27th annual Neighbors Make the Difference Day.Recently, KeyBank employees assisted at Baer Memorial Swimming Pool in Lehighton by preparing the community pool for its opening weekend.Branch employees helped spread new mulch for the playground, painted, built picnic tables, installed privacy fencing and new signage around the property, and performed various other tasks.In eastern Pennsylvania, about 200 employees volunteered at 26 community organizations, and joined nearly 7,000 KeyBank employees across 15 states from Maine to Alaska to provide 28,000 volunteer hours to 900 service projects in the communities the bank serves.Neighbors Make the Difference Day was started more than 25 years ago by a group of employees in Alaska.Two years later, the idea swept across a number of communities that KeyBank serves and became an official day of employee volunteerism, now the hallmark of the bank's commitment to its neighborhoods.

Members of KeyBank's Lehighton branch recently participated in KeyBank's 27th annual Neighbors Make the Difference Day by assisting Baer Memorial Swimming Pool in Lehighton prepare the pool for opening weekend. Pictured are KeyBank employees, from left, Jessica Strohl, Tara Barrett, JoAnn Oppold, Vicki Kirkpatrick, branch Manager Scott Kane, Donna Kuehner and James Lull. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS
The Key Bank Lansford office employees helped the No. 9 Mine & Museum get ready for its annual Memorial Day picnic as part of Neighbors Make the Difference Day. Front row, from left: Cindy Messerschmidt, MaryAnn Halenar, and Paula Fisher, site manager. Back row: Ann Ziaka, Sue Markovich Peggy Teklinski. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO