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Business owners subject to zoning violation

Towamensing Township’s board of supervisors have given the go ahead to pursue legal action on a couple accused of zoning violations.

During an executive session before Thursday night’s meeting, board members agreed to take action against Mike and Crystal Fink, who have a home and business, All American Concrete, at the corner of Interchange Road and Stable Road.“They’ve been working on their home. Some of the stuff they’re doing is fine, but with some stuff they need permits, and they never got them,” zoning officer Carl Faust said. “They have trees and bushes that they planted in the right of way, which you can’t do, and I told them about it, but they did it anyway.”Chairwoman Penny Kleintop said that the matter had previously been brought to the Finks’ attention.“I do know that Carl was courteous enough to make phone calls to them,” she said.Faust said that the Finks did receive a violation last year, but they did not comply with the regulations.In addition to the zoning issues at their residence, the Finks’ concrete company is subject to violations as well. Faust said that they constructed a building on their commercial lot that needed to be evaluated under the township’s land development ordinance.“They’re operating a concrete business in a residential zoning district, so the next step is for me to file a complaint with Judge (William) Kissner,” solicitor Thomas Nanovic said.In other news• Joseph Strausberger of 100 Berger St. in Kunkletown was approved to join the township’s Agricultural Security Area. Strausberger’s property borders two other properties that are currently enrolled in the program. The planning commission recommended the approval to the board of supervisors during its meeting in early May.“In 180 days, his property will be automatically enrolled in Ag Security,” Kleintop said.• The historical commission is looking for volunteers to help paint the Greenzweig One Room Schoolhouse. Anyone who wishes to help can meet at the schoolhouse at 11 a.m. June 11.• Towamensing Township Volunteer Fire Company Chief Robert O’Donnell and Assistant Chief Ryan Snyder reported that the advertising program for the fence surrounding the fire company is proving to be successful.Anyone interested in displaying a 3-by-8-foot advertisement along Interchange Road or Spruce Hollow Road can contact Bob Daniels at 610-577-5009.

Mike and Crystal Fink's business, All American Concrete, which sits at the corner of Interchange Road and Stable Road, has been subject to several zoning violations. BRIAN W. MYSZKOWSKI/TIMES NEWS