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Want to get in shape for bathing suit season?

Now is the perfect time - to get ready for next year. But that doesn't mean you can't feel better about yourself in a bathing suit this year, even if you might not be as toned as you might like."Exercise makes you feel better about yourself," says Cassie McSparin, a personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist at Pyramid Sports Performance Center in Lehighton."And when you feel better about yourself, you look better, have more confidence," says Molly Merna, who is also a trainer and fitness nutrition specialist at Pyramid.So even if you may not be in optimal shape to don that bikini, McSparin and Merna have a few exercises you can start now and keep doing throughout the year.One thing to keep in mind, it's not just about the exercise."You can't spot-treat areas," says McSparin. "Overall results will be a result of nutrition and exercise."Another thing to remember, is you need to stay hydrated.Hydration, they say:• Lubricates your joints.• Is great for your skin.• It's energizing. Everything in your body runs off water.• Helps you determine if you are actually hungry. The body often mistakes thirst for hunger."A good goal would be about 90 ounces a day," says Merna. "Set an alarm to go off throughout the day. Every 20 minutes, take five sips.""Most people don't get enough water," says McSparin. "That's the first thing we work on nutrition-wise."So take a drink, fill your water bottle and keep it on standby, grab some weights, and get read to rock that bathing suit.Exercises to tone your core area: stomach, arms and legs.Circuit 1• Lateral raises (with 3- to 5-pound weights)• Bicep curls (with 5- to 10-pound weights)• Tricep kickbacks (3- to 8-pound weights)Do one circuit or 20 each and then repeat twice for a total of three circuits.Circuit 2• Russian twists (0 to 8 pounds); do 10 on each side• Flutter kicks, do 40• Plank, (on forearm or full plank); hold for 30 seconds to 2 minutesDo one circuit and then repeat twice for a total of three circuits.Circuit 3• Donkey kicks (20 each side)• Hip thrusts (with resistance bands or weight); do 20• Wall sit; hold for 30 seconds to 2 minutes (add weight for more of a challenge)Do one circuit and then repeat twice for a total of three circuits.Do a full set of circuits three times per week.

Circuit 1: Lateral raises, using a 3- to 5-pound weight. Start with your arms at your side. KAREN CIMMS/TIMES NEWS
Lift your arms up, then lower them back to your side. Repeat 20 times.
Circuit 1: Bicep curls, using a 5- to 10-pound weight. Stand with your arms straight in front of you, wrists out.
Raise your arms, then lower them back in front of you. Repeat 20 times.
Circuit 1: Tricep kickbacks, using 3- to 8-pound weights. Stand in a partial squat, back straight, elbows in with the weights close to your body.
Extend your arms behind you, then return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times.
Circuit 2: Russian twists, using no weights with hands clasped or up to 3-pound weighted ball. Sit on the floor or on a slant board with your arms extended in front of you, hands clasped or holding the weighted ball.
Twist to the left, then to the right. Do this 10 times.
Circuit 2: Flutter kicks. Lie on the floor, head and shoulders angled upward, or seated on a BOSU balance trainer, with your legs straight. Flutter kick 40 times.
Circuit 2: Plank. You can do this resting on your forearms, or a full plank with arms straight. Hold the position for 30 seconds or up to 2 minutes.
Circuit 3: Donkey kicks. Position yourself on the floor or on an exercise bench, with your arms straight and knees on the floor.
Push your leg back and up. Repeat 20 times on each side.
Circuit 3: Hip thrusts, using resistance bands above your knees or a weight over your stomach, and resting on a BOSU or an exercise bench.
Raise your hips and lower them back to the ground. Repeat 20 times.
Circuit 3: Wall sit. Press your back against a wall and "sit" as if on a chair. Hold the position for 30 seconds up to 2 minutes.