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Minor damage in Mahoning fire

Minimal damage was done to a Mahoning Township home that caught fire Sunday afternoon.

Mahoning Valley Volunteer Fire Company Fire Chief Mark Ebbert said the fire began around 5:30 p.m. in the basement in the home in the 1200 block of Beaver Run Drive.Ebbert said the incident was reported as a brush fire, but the homeowner told the fire department they had the fire in the basement, and that the homeowner had it knocked down with a fire extinguisher.No injuries were reported, though the home sustained minor damage in the basement, as well as to some of the siding of the house, he said.Lehighton Fire Department also assisted on scene, Ebbert said.

Mahoning Valley Volunteer Fire Company responded to a house fire Sunday afternoon in the 1200 block of Beaver Run Drive in Mahoning Township. Minor damage was done to the home. COPYRIGHT LARRY NEFF/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS