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Ben Salem handbell choir rings in 20th year

Shirley Kline always wanted to ring in a handbell choir.

As fate would have it, in 1997, her fellow Ben Salem United Church of Christ congregant, Dolores Kuehner, suggested the church form a choir to celebrate its 200th anniversary.The plan hatched that day in the old social hall came to fruition and, on Sunday, past and present choir members joined together to celebrate the group's 20th anniversary."It's a joyous day," an emotional Kline said before a 10-song performance during Ben Salem's 10:30 a.m. service. "The words 20 years ago set in motion a process that brought the choir to Ben Salem and we'll forever be grateful to all of those who have played and who made it happen."Kline presented a pair of platinum gloves to charter members Susan McElvar and LaVaun Shanton, who have been with the choir for all of its 20 years.Near the beginning of the service, the choir played the hymn "Holy, Holy, Holy," the first musical selection it played on April 27, 1997.Getting from a conceptual plan to the first ringing of the bells wasn't easy, however.The church's board of directors at the time couldn't commit the funding needed to pay for the bells and equipment. A fundraising campaign was launched, and in three weeks, the group had raised the necessary $8,000."I was amazed back then and I'm still amazed today," Kline said of the funding drive. "Our first sponsor was Ralph Shellhammer, who bought three bells in memory of his wife. After that, the phone never stopped ringing for three weeks."In Ben Salem's new fellowship hall Sunday, a display featured 37 bells with the names of all the people who contributed to the initial cost.The selection of songs played Sunday included "My Friend, Jesus" and "Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace." The choir played the latter in 2000 as part of a mass ring on the one-year anniversary of the Columbine shootings."When we first started, we couldn't play like we play now," Kline said. "Over the years, we've picked up techniques like the shakes, thumb damps and tower swings. It's amazing to see how far everyone has come."Seeing the faces of charter members brought back a flood of memories for Kline, who still directs the choir."There has been a lot of dedication on everyone's part to continue this program for 20 years," she said. "It's overwhelming and I can't begin to thank them enough."Charter members of the choir include LaRue Fritz, Emily Gerber, Kevin Lusch, Melissa Hunsicker, Susan McElvar, Lindsey Nace, LaVaun Shanton, Jessica White and Kline.Current members include Dorothy Eberts, Denise Gerber, Hunsicker, Evalynn Kuehner, Kira Kuehner, Kim Lusch, Kelsey McElvar, Susan McElvar, Marlene Reiner, Shanton, Carly Smith, Cathy Smith, Barbara Snowberger and Kline.Past members include Kris Beidleman, Tammy Beidleman, Kailey Breiner, Julie Diehl, Trudi Frehulfer and Emily Kline.

The Ben Salem United Church of Christ handbell choir performs the hymn "Holy, Holy, Holy," during Sunday's service. The choir celebrated its 20th anniversary. JARRAD HEDES/TIMES NEWS