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Blood drive set in Palmerton

The Palmerton Area Community will be hosting a blood drive from 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Mondayin partnership with Miller-Keystone Blood Center at the West End Fire Co., 855 Princeton Ave., Palmerton.

"Our regional hospitals require over 450 units of blood daily to care for their patients, which include cancer patients, premature infants, accident victims and others in need of lifesaving blood transfusions," donor resources representative Marie D'Amato said.To donate blood, individuals must be 16 years of age or older, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds, feel healthy on the day of their donation and provide valid identification.Consent of parent/guardian is required for 16-year-old donors; additional donor eligibility requirements can be found at GIVEaPINT.org.To schedule a donation, contact Alice Wanamaker at 484-274-2080 or

AliceW@CarbonCountyChamber.org or online at giveapint.org and reference sponsor code 1361.