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Schuylkill Township zoning officer resigns

Schuylkill Township is in need of a new zoning officer.

That's after the board accepted the resignation of zoning officer Paul Benulis, effective the end of March, during Monday's board of supervisors meeting.Resident John Zubris commended Benulis on his performance while serving the township in that capacity.Benulis was appointed to the post in February 2016.Other• Board Chairman Charles Fayash announced that the township was $3,257 over budget, to clarify a question from the public at last month's meeting regarding the budget.• The police report revealed that there were 24 calls, and four arrests resulting in confiscation of stolen items worth over $50,000.• Traffic signs in the amount of $456 were approved by the board encompassing new, bigger 25 mph signs, Watch for Children, Reduced Speed Ahead, and End of 25 mph speed zone.• Board Solicitor Joseph Baranko stated that the fire reimbursement has all been disbursed, and payments made to the fire school.• Zubris praised the police officers in the township.• The board entertained a motion to acquire a street sweeper to keep the township clean after resident Mary Van Pelt commented on how good it was done last year, and inquired if it would be done again this year.• Resident Joe Leskin complained about the anti skid that was used for the winter, and noted that it was really black and dirty. Fayash rebutted that he spoke at the last meeting that now they can separate the salt and the anti skid with the new shed, and that they would try different mixes to avoid an excess of use of the anti skid.• The board agreed to purchase 140 tons of salt.• Leskin also asked whether the board was moving forward with the request to install a PA system in the room. Fayash agreed that it is a good idea, but wasn't sure how the rest of the board felt about it. Supervisor Charles Hosler said that he didn't have the figures. Fayash said the board will discus the matter at its next meeting.