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Nesquehoning council hears update on bridge conditions

Nesquehoning council members got an update on four bridges within the borough limits and none are in dire need of repairs.

During council's committee workshop meeting on Wednesday, the board heard reports from McMahon Associates Inc., an engineering company under contract with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation District 5, regarding bridges on Industrial Park Road, Industrial Road, Tonolli Road and Mermon Avenue. McMahon inspects bridges in Schuylkill, Monroe and Carbon counties.Matt Kaczmarczyk of McMahon Associates told council that the bridges, which were inspected in late 2015, show no outstanding priority or critical maintenance needed."The borough here actually has really good structures of the four," he said. "The lowest is in fair condition and the other three are in satisfactory condition. You don't see that too often."The bridge along Industrial Park Road, near the pond in the Hauto Valley Estates is the bridge in fair condition, and David Cassell outlined that there are cracks on the wingwalls that should be repaired.Other issues outlined in the inspection findings were minor overall, and included things like installing hazard clearance markers, repairing some deteriorated decking, painting to maintain the integrity of the steel and clearing brush or debris away from the area.Repairs can be completed simply in-house or contracted out they told council and provided some ideas on how to make the necessary repairs and offered assistance if council would like to learn more on estimates and moving forward.Kaczmarczyk said that none of these repairs were dire and council could chip away at the list as the budget allows instead of needing to make major immediate repairs.The next inspection of these bridges will take place between September and October of this year to make sure nothing major has changed structurally.