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4-H Ambassadors donate to animal shelter

Carbon County's 4-H program aims to build well-rounded teens who may one day change the world.

They focus on projects that range from sewing to raising livestock and everything in between and work to teach children the benefits of working together, helping others and being a leader.On Thursday, the Carbon County 4-H Ambassadors presented the county animal shelter with a donation of $111 that was raised through a bake goods and hot dog sale, as well as a bag full of dog chews that were made using 4-H fabric and old T-shirts and some cleaning supplies.Georgia Farrow, 4-H program assistant, said that the ambassador program began a few years ago to promote the program, volunteerism within the group and provide service learning projects to help the community."In the past year they have done many things," she said, including feeding 40 families, packing up meals and donating them to Family Promise and serving 69 people through a pasta dinner at Zion United Church of Christ."They're very ambitious," she said. "I'm very proud of them."The girls presented the donations to Tom Connors, director of the animal shelter and said the toys were a fun project that could be given to a family when they adopt a dog.Connors thanked the group, saying, "We appreciate all the donations we get a the Carbon County Animal Shelter. I can tell you in the past four years any of the supplies we use down there have been donated."It is amazing how people come together and I compliment you for what you did and what you do because people who show compassion toward animals also grow up to show compassion toward people and we need more of them today."He said the toys will be put to good use because he tries to keep the dogs happy, noting that there is one dog currently at the shelter who goes through two plush toys a day.Following the presentation, the county commissioners also adopted a proclamation naming March 12 to 18 as Pennsylvania 4-H week in Carbon County. The county will also fly the 4-H flag under the American flag at the courthouse during that week to honor the program.The 4-H program is administered through the Penn State Extension and is designed to help children and teens ages 8 to 18 develop their potential through hands-on experiences.For more information on the Carbon County 4-H program, contact Farrow at 570-325-2788 or email her at


Mercy Melo of the Carbon County 4-H Ambassador program shows one of the dog toys the group made for the Carbon County Animal Shelter on Thursday at the county commissioners meeting. AMY MILLER/TIMES NEWS