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There's not enough time

Time is infinite, yet it never seems like there is enough of it.

Every day it seems like we wake up at a time that is too early. Go to bed at a time that is too late. We tend to tasks that "take too long" and pleasures that go by "too fast."Vacations take "too long to get here" but they are over "way too soon."We are told to take the "time to smell the roses." But as quickly as the roses bloom, they begin to wither and die.Our work days are often too long and our family time seems to be cut short.And, of course, there are those happy few that love to point out that from the moment we take our first breath, we are moving toward death.We never have enough time to do the things we need to do.Life seems all about not having enough time.I long for the days when my mother would say, "You have too much time on your hands."Is that even possible? Could you have too much time?Apparently this has been going on forever. There are enough clichés out there like "Man plans and God laughs," proof that we are just another generation trying to get everything done.We live in an era when it seems that everybody wants something from us, right now. Every day is a series of moments. If we are lucky the good ones are more than the bad ones, but still life is one moment after another.Some people I know are good at scheduling those moments and accomplishing the tasks that they set out for themselves in a timely manner.Others, like me, take the more chaotic route from the moment I wake up until I close my eyes at the end of my day.For me every day is a gamble. I throw the dice and hope to accomplish what I set out to do. Life throws me a change and I alter my course. From one minute to the next I have learned to roll with it.At the end of the day I often feel like I might not have accomplished much. I didn't complete everything I set out to do.The other night I was feeling particularly unaccomplished, and so of course, I was feeling sorry for myself.As I sat there throwing myself a big-league pity party, I started to think about what I had actually done over the course of the past 18 hours.I realized that I had been busy the whole day. I had done what needed to be done and then some. Of course there were some items I had wanted to do, but did not get around to.I realized that life would go on, the sun would still come up tomorrow morning and the promise of spring was still in the air. (Along with all the household chores that go along with that too!)All in all I had actually done many things, a lot of things, tons of things that needed to be done even if they were not in my original plan.It seems that no matter how well we try to plan out our life, there is always going to be something that disrupts those plans. We can only hope that sometimes the disruptions are of the good kind, a baby being born, an unexpected delivery surprise, or running into an old friend at the market.So while I sit and ponder, I am promising myself to take some time for myself out of every day. I will go to the gym three times per week and I will make time to place a call and catch up with my good friends and I will. … Oh, who am I kidding, I can't hear myself think over the sound of God's laughing.