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Protests were peaceful

I am one of the "angry, irrational" women who attended the Women's March last Saturday. That is what we were called by Michael Reagan in his editorial titled "Crashing the Inauguration."

I found his mocking message to be insulting and derogatory toward all the intelligent, thoughtful women who are prepared to fight to prevent the erosion of peoples' rights which have been so hard won. We marched for racial equality, equal pay for women, fairness in the workplace, the right to chose family size or who to marry. And, to preserve the existence of facts over false news.500,000 women in D.C., 400,000 in NYC, 750,000 in Los Angeles, hundreds of thousands of women across the world all marched peacefully and calmly to protest the comments and insults made by Donald Trump. We find his character to be lacking, and his plans to be repellent.His last sentence, written the day before the march, was the most insulting of all: "It wouldn't surprise me in the least if one of these American yahoos will try to kill our new president."If his hateful rhetoric really reflects the attitude of the Republican party, God help us.Linda ZakSaylorsburg