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Public invited to Kline mural installation

If you're in the Allentown area Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, you could have a chance to see a piece of Lehighton history in the final stages of restoration.

The Allentown Art Museum is preparing to unveil a mural of Lehighton done by famous artist and Lehighton High School alumnus Franz Kline.

The mural will be unveiled on Sunday at noon, as part of a day of free activities at the museum.

The public is invited to watch on Wednesday and Thursday, as conservators complete the final stages of the restoration.

On Wednesday and Thursday, between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., conservators will be unrolling the mural, stretching it on a canvas, and installing it in the museum's Trexler Gallery.

It is recommended that you call ahead to make sure work has not been completed: 610-432-4333 ext. 110.

For a full story on the unveiling, check out Thursday's edition of the Times News.