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Weatherly praises police for saving lives

In April 2015 the Weatherly Police Department was called upon not once, but twice, to save the lives of residents who could have died due to respiratory and cardiac arrest.

On Monday, the officers who performed those rescues were recognized for going above and beyond to save the lives of their fellow residents.Sgt. Michael Bogart, officer Vincent Morrow and officer Edward Kubert were all presented with lifesaving awards. Mayor Thomas Connors and Borough Manager Harold Pudliner Jr. thanked them for their service.“These guys have really made us proud,” Pudliner said.Bogart and Morrow were recognized for their actions on April 30, 2015, when they performed rescue breathing with a bag valve mask for more than 30 minutes, to help keep a person alive who had gone into respiratory arrest.The patient was treated at Hazleton Hospital, survived and was released.Kubert was recognized for using an AED and performing CPR to resuscitate a man who went into cardiac arrest.The man, Richard Stefanick, was on hand Monday night to congratulate and thank Kubert.“You have a fantastic police force. Anybody who doesn’t live in a small community like we do, they’re missing something. We’ve got some of the finest,” Stefanick said.

Weatherly Mayor Tom Connors, officer Vincent Morrow, Sgt. Michael Bogart, officer Edward Kubert and Chief Brian Markovchick. Morrow, Bogart and Kubert were recognized by borough council Monday night. CHRIS REBER/TIMES NEWS