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Franklin Twp. man honored for service

Longtime member Charles Fritz has declined reappointment to the Franklin Township Planning Commission.

The reason he is stepping down is because he's 86 years old and wants to spend more time enjoying his hobbies of bowling, beekeeping, making homemade sauerkraut and other activities.Fritz served on the planning commission for more than 40 years."I don't remember exactly how many," he said.At Monday's meeting of the township supervisors, Fritz was presented with a plaque honoring him for his long and dedicated service to the township.He drove to the meeting himself. He enjoys bowling but admits he gave up ice skating and hunting back when he was 80.Supervisors' Chairman Rod Green presented the plaque to Fritz. The other supervisors, Robin Cressley and Barbara Beltz, shook his hands and personally thanked him."I served with a lot of good people," Fritz said of his tenure as planning commission member.He said he always tried to stay active. He once did mountain climbing in Alaska.He is a lifelong resident of Franklin Township.Fritz gave a recommendation to the supervisors of someone who might replace him on the planning commission, but that person is on vacation and can't be contacted until next week.Anyone interested in serving on the commission can submit a letter of intent to the township secretary during business hours at the township building.

Charles Fritz, 86, of Franklin Township, accepts a plaque from Rod Green, chairman of the Franklin Township board of supervisors. Fritz was honored by the supervisors for serving for more than 40 years on the township's planning commission. He declined reappointment. From left are supervisors Barbara Beltz and Robin Cressley. RON GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS