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Carbon man admits role in burglaries

A weeping Corey Lee Bilsak told a Carbon County judge that he broke into Lansford homes and stole things to support a drug addiction.

But Bilsak has turned his life around. He's been clean of drugs, works, and takes care of his family, tending to his wife and sick son, who faces heart surgery within weeks and will turn a year old on Jan. 3.Bills asked Judge Joseph J. Matika to start his prison sentence on Jan. 3, so he could be with his son during surgery and with his wife, who is also ill, and celebrate Christmas with them.Upon learning that the baby's first birthday is Jan. 3, Matika said Bilsak could remain free until the evening of Jan. 6.Bilsak had previously pleaded guilty to felony counts of burglary and criminal trespass.The judge sentenced Bilsak to serve six months to one day less than 24 months in jail on burglary charges, with credit for two days served.He'll be immediately placed on work release so he can keep his job.Bilsak was also ordered to perform 75 hours of community service, pay court costs and fees, undergo a drug and alcohol evaluation, and not to imbibe.On charges of criminal trespass, Matika sentenced him to two years of probation and an additional 50 hours of community service after he gets out of jail.Bilsak also must pay a total of $4,167 in restitution to his two victims.Bilsak told Matika he and his wife, Nikki, have been together for five years and were helping each other conquer their addictions. Both are now clean and sober."He's not the same person he was (when he committed the crimes)," she said, wiping tears.Bilsak apologized to his victims.He has admitted entering a home along East Kline Avenue on Nov. 7, 2014, and removing items including an Xbox, guitar, watch and computer. He also admitted his part in entering a home along East Ridge Street on June 6, 2015, in which jewelry valued at over $4,000 was taken and later sold at pawnshops.