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Lessons from Santa Claus

With Christmas just a week or so away, my thoughts have been on Santa and how he operates his "business" of Christmas. It's no secret that the jolly elf is one heck of a successful player in the world of entrepreneurship and business. He works throughout the year at a consistent pace and puts his all into 12 short hours on Christmas Eve. As business leaders, there are definitely lessons to be learned from the Clauses to help us all be a little more successful around Christmastime and all year long.

1Build your brand early and stick to it. Since the beginning of time, Santa has been building his brand; red suit and hat, black belt and boots, rosy cheeks, and who could forget his signature tagline, "Ho, ho, ho!"Whether he is pictured on a sleigh full of toys or near the beach, Santa is always promoting himself in the jolliest of ways. A business, especially new and budding businesses, needs to have a clear brand from the beginning. Something that will stick with the business through changes in season, market, and trends will help to establish a solid foundation for future marketing. And as a business grows and changes, leadership and management should always keep in mind that just like Santa, they can look North for direction when needed!2Be one of a kind. While there may have been imitators over the years, there is only one magical elf capable of reaching every boy and girl in the universe in one night and spreading Christmas cheer like Jolly Ol' St. Nick! Just like Santa, you and your business should be one of kind in your field. Offering something unique and treating your customers in a special way that no one else does is a great way to make your business memorable and ensure return customers.3Be consistent. No matter what time of year it is, you can hear parents in every corner of the world saying "Santa is watching, you better behave." And without fail when Nov. 1 hits, you know it is time to prepare for the big man's visit! You will hear Christmas music in every store, feel the increase in newspaper fliers and inserts, and start seeing a little more glitter and sparkle in the world. Being consistent with your marketing efforts all year is the best marketing tip Santa leaves us. There is no doubt in your mind when you see a red suit or hear jingle bells who is behind the beard.4Be on-time and reliable. Could you imagine what would happen if Santa were late getting to his most important meeting of the year? Children all around the world would wake up to confusion and would lose the magical feeling of Christmas morning. Make sure you are on time with your deliverables, whether it is a product, service or a meeting, you don't want to miss it!5Rely on others. There is no way Santa could prepare and stop at every house on Christmas Eve without the help of the elves and Mrs. Claus. They are there to help him make toys and keep an eye on the children. And he'd definitely have a hard time getting around without the reindeer. Every business needs help at some time or another. Maybe you are just starting out, expanding or looking for a little extra marketing help - you can always relay on the CCEDC to help you when you need it. Our elves on always on duty and can be reached by calling 610-379-5000. You can also find us online at
