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Palmerton school board to consider late fee request

Palmerton Area School District’s board of directors will consider a property tax appeal request submitted by one of its residents, Christine McGuire.

McGuire and her brother, Thomas Nanovic, attended Tuesday night’s school board meeting to ask for a waiver of late fees on the taxes.Palmerton unanimously tabled the request, giving it a chance to further discuss the situation.Nanovic said McGuire purchased a property, known locally as the Tuthill House, on Harvard Avenue, with closing in late May.“The property tax bill, however, came out in July and was sent to the previous property owner,” Nanovic said. “We recorded the deed and filed everything, but there was a gap in the assessment office implementing the address change.”Palmerton tax collector Lisa Nemeth hand addressed a payment reminder notice, which McGuire said was the first notification she received.“By that point, however, the bill was already considered late,” McGuire said.Nanovic said the penalty for which McGuire is seeking the waiver was around $650.“Had I received the bill, I would have paid it on time,” McGuire told the board.A motion to deal with the request was on Tuesday’s agenda, but the board opted to wait.“Given the additional information we heard tonight, I think the best option is to discuss it more,” solicitor John Audi said. In other action items, the board approved:• A license agreement with The MT Pit LLC to use recording in the live stage performance of “Little Shop of Horrors” by the high school drama club.• Kristina Himmelwright as a short-term substitute anticipated from Jan. 16 for six weeks at a rate of $120 per day.• Tina Rothenberger as a short-term substitute anticipated from Jan. 3 for six weeks at a rate of $120 per day.• Kathryn Kunkle as part-time dishroom worker at Towamensing Elementary for three hours per day at $11.95 per hour.• The retirement of Cynthia Kester, administrative secretary, effective June 30, 2017.