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Sometimes I just need to feel good again

Most days I love absolutely everything about life. Normally I can't stop saying thank you for a life filled with so many riches.

I'm not talking about monetary riches, of course. I'm talking about having the richness of time to enjoy doing exactly what I want to do and the richness of having a deliciously good life.I appreciate the goodness of every simple thing in life. This week, as I enjoyed the treat of eating a perfectly ripe pear, I savored the experience and even gave voice to a "yum yum" expression of gratitude.Because of that all-consuming gratitude, I'm usually always an "up" person. I concur with the recent study that concluded those with a healthy dose of gratitude tend to be happier individuals.But every now and then things pile up and drag me down. This week was like that. From the time I read the morning paper and went through some stories on the Internet, I was definitely down.By the time you read this, the election is over. I had no idea who won when turned this column in. But I can tell you this: No matter who won, I pray that kindness, civility and respect return.In all my years of voting I have never experienced a time when people turned against each other because they didn't share the same political preference.What ever happened to respecting the right of people to have different views?Why can't we have conflicting views without actual conflict?I've had a few people tell me they ended a long-standing friendship because of different views on this election. And I heard many others question how people "could be so stupid as to support THAT candidate."One incident that best illustrates how ludicrous we have become is the knifing that took place in the town next to me.According to the paper, a fight broke out among several people who were arguing over who to vote for in the presidential race. The fight got heated, then someone pulled a knife and attacked the guy they believed had the wrong political views.There were also many reports of cars damaged because the owners had signs supporting "the wrong candidate."I stopped reading certain Facebook pages because of the intolerant tone and nasty name calling. Am I wrong in thinking we've never had those kinds of pervasive bad feelings before?For my own peace of mind, I had to stop listening to the nightly news and radio talk shows. I was drowning in all the nasty negativity.Finally, I reached the point where I knew all I wanted was to forget all the nastiness and feel good again. I know. We all want to feel good. But sometimes when our peace of mind has been stolen from us we need to escape into a kinder, gentler world.I figured if I couldn't find that gentler world, I was going to create it for myself. I told my husband I was going to spend the night watching a feel-good movie that would lift my spirits.I absolutely love Netflix and the viewing choices it offers. I love the way it tracks our viewing preferences then tailors our choices to those preferences.After I watched one feel-good movie and one movie with a Christian focus, Netflix started to offer me more of that kind of show.Last night it suggested at least a dozen feel-good movies. I picked "Good Will Hunting," one I had already seen many years ago but had forgotten.I figured any movie with Robin Williams in it was one I would enjoy.I was right. I was enthralled with a movie that centered on unconditional friendships and the triumph of a troubled kid helped by professionals who wouldn't give up on him.It was easy to see why Robin Williams won an Oscar for his role as a caring college instructor.All in all, in was a sweet movie in so many ways. By the time it was over, my equilibrium and good mood was restored.The next day my faith in people was also restored as I waited with four others for the chickens to be finished roasting at Sam's Club.So there we were, five strangers, waiting our turn at the deli counter, chatting like old friends and enjoying our brief encounter.We talked about how many good meals we could create with one $4.89 chicken. We even laughed together about the crazy political climate sweeping the country.When the clerk put the first four chickens out, a guy in back pushed ahead of us and rudely snatched three of them. Incredibly, the guy who waited in line the longest helped him put the chickens in his cart. Then he offered me the remaining one, saying he would wait for the next batch.As I was checking out with just two items, the couple in front of me with a loaded grocery cart told me to go ahead of them.Courtesy and good will in a grocery store might seem like a small thing. But I found it restorative to encounter nice people."No matter who wins the election, I hope we can still buy $4.89 rotisserie chicken," one gentleman said.And my hope is that we can all go back to a nation that respects each other's differences.Contact Pattie Mihalik at
