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Artists sought for holiday store

The ARTSPACE Gallery, 18 N. Seventh St., Stroudsburg, will open its doors as an art gift shop for the holiday season.

Participation is open to all PoconoArts members.An application form is available online at poconoarts.org or in the gallery. Deadline to participate is Nov. 11. The store opens Nov. 25 and runs through Jan. 2. Hours are based upon volunteer availability.The PoconoArts staff will manage the store from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, with evening and weekend hours handled by volunteers. Fees for participation and commissions will depend on whether the artist volunteers or not.A special reception and member discount night is scheduled for Dec. 1.For more information, call the PoconoArts office at 570-476-4460 or email
