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One more weekend of scares

Waldorf Estate of Fear owner Angela Moyer is hoping that the attraction's film debut exposes it to thrill seekers who may not have been familiar with it.

When the film debutsTuesday, the estate will be closed for the year. But there's still time to check it out before their last day of the season, Sunday, October 30."We're very excited. The whole movie pretty much takes place inside the Waldorf," she said. "If enough people see it, it might push the Waldorf into a different stage.The haunt has two nights of operation left in the 2016 season -Friday and Saturday. It is open from 7-11 p.m.The main attraction, the Waldorf Hotel, has a new theme for 2016 - a conjurer accidentally opens up a portal, allowing demons to come to our world, and possess everyone inside the Waldorf.Also this year, for the first time, they are offering two escape rooms - one zombie themed. Zombies continue to be a popular draw. In the Infection interactive experience, players have to escape zombies who are after their "organs" - which are represented by flag football flags.There's also an evil Willy Wonka setup. That came together after Moyer was able to acquire an old playplace from a McDonald's.For more information on the estate, visit WaldorfEstateOfFear.com."I have a whole team, my scream team, we brainstorm, and throw things off of each other," she said.