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Jim Thorpe news

Sunday school

The Sunday school of St. John's Lutheran Church, South Avenue, will resume for the new year on Sept. 11, with Rally Day activities to begin at 9:15 a.m. Students that have completed third grade will be receiving personally inscribed Bibles as gifts from the Sunday school. They are Kaylyn Costello, Haylee Fischi, Ava Schafer, Olivia Sheckler, Kaia Shiner and Aidan Sterling.During the morning worship service at 10:30, there will be installation of the teaching staff. They are nursery class, Fay Schlenner, Jenny Angstead and Jessica Strohl; kindergarten, Heike Hartman, Laura Ann McArdle; first and second grades, Jennifer Swartz, Melanie Schafer; third grade, Jean Dunbar; fourth, fifth, and sixth grades, Jody Reis; Confirmation, Lynn Snyder and Irene Remmel; Senior Youth Group, Bonnie Hoffman; parent discussion group, Shawn and Stacy Sheckler, with Andrea Castellano as substitute.Class partyThe members of the 1964 graduating class of Jim Thorpe High School will hold a special event onSept. 17. The committee is planning a 70th birthday party celebration. It will be held at the American Legion, Lehighton. Committee chairman, Ed Solomon has said reservations are still being accepted by the committee members. If you are interested please contact any of the following; Darlene (Witt) Benyo; Sharon (Deats) Kobal; Ann Louise (Klotz) Hayes or Bill Diehm.Community dinnerThe next free community dinner at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, will be held from 4-6

p.m.Sept. 25. The planned menu is pork and sauerkraut. If you have any questions, please call 570-325-2241.Contact Ann Louise Hayes at 570-325-4435. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or
