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Festival to raise money for legal fund

Residents of Penn Forest Township are planning a fun festival for Saturday to raise money to benefit the local chapter of Save Our Allegheny Ridges, otherwise known as SOAR.

The chapter has been involved in the fight against the proposed wind turbine project planned for property owned by the Bethlehem Water Authority within the township.The "SOAR into Fun Festival" will be held rain or shine from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Penn Forest Streams Clubhouse at 11 Clubhouse Road in Jim Thorpe."We have a fundraising committee of 12 who have worked tirelessly putting together this event in a month's time," said spokeswoman Kim Whitney."Legal fees can add up, but we are in this for the long haul and we do it for the love of our community. We will be having other fundraising events in the future."This Saturday there will be music from two bands, "Together Again" and "Past & Furious" as well as a bake sale, crafts and vendors. There will be food and children's games as well as a raffle."Thanks to our local businesses and our dedicated residents we have numerous gift certificates and over 55 items to raffle off," Whitney said."Everyday people are donating for this event because they know how important it is to save our mountain."