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PV library brings learning to life

Panther Valley Library held its final summer reading session on July 27. The program ran for six weeks this summer and promotes reading and exercise for children.

This year's theme is "On your mark, get set, read!" The theme promoted reading, as well as the importance of exercise and activity outside of the house.Franklin Klock and Jen Purcell of the Carbon County Environmental Education Center joined the children and educated them about the importance of going outside and seeing the world around them.They brought a red-tail hawk, a snake and a ferret to show the children how animals also move and exercise.Sheri Lugo brings both of her children to the program."They love to read," Lugo said. "I live on the corner, so the library is really convenient."The kids were excited to see the animals and learn about them.Dawn Neyer runs the program each year. Each week has a different theme to encourage the young readers to come back.Many children received certificates and books for coming to at least three sessions. A total of 36 kids participated in the program this year.

Christian "C.J." Snyder pets a snake for the first time at the Panther Valley Library summer reading program. AMANDA TREIBLE/TIMES NEWS