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The Memorial Wall


The number of names on the Wall. The names are arranged in the order in which they were killed, by date and within each date the names are alphabetized.1956The first known casualty was Richard Fitzgibbon, of North Weymouth, Massachusetts, killed on June 8, 1956. His name is listed on the Wall with that of his son, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Richard Fitzgibbon III, who was killed on Sept. 7, 1965.3The number of sets of fathers and sons on the wall.8,283Soldiers killed who were just 19 years old.33,103Soldiers killed who were 18 years old, the largest age group.12Soldiers on the Wall who were 17 years old.5Soldiers on the Wall were 16 years old.1Soldier who was 15 years old when he was killed. His name was Pfc. Dan Bullock.997Soldiers who were killed on their first day in Vietnam.