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Penn Forest recreation park nearing completion

The second construction phase of the park along Route 903 in Penn Forest Township is nearing completion.

Custom Contracting has been able to take advantage of the nice weather so far this summer and expects to finish the project by the end of August."Unless the weather takes a turn they expect to complete the job before the end of August," said township engineer Greg Pavlick.Township resident William Miller questioned the supervisors on the amount of ground that had to be cleared during this phase."Why is the contractor clearing away everything that was done in the first phase, all that ground that was seeded," Miller asked.The response from the township was that the area being torn up now was not part of Phase I and was never seeded."It is because we started mowing it," Chairman Warren Reiner said. "The more we mowed it the lusher it got."In the next few weeks residents can expect major changes to become more visible as the contractor adds the tennis courts and the basketball courts.Pavlick told the supervisors it is the perfect time to start looking for grants which use Local Share Accounts. The LSA grants come from taxes on the gaming industry.The township is hoping to build a concession stand, storage shed and possibly bathroom facilities at the park and would be applying for the grant to help fund these projects.