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How to play

Players download the game through their app stores and sign up through the prompts once the game loads. From there, users can wander around, looking for the animated creatures. Users collect items from Pokéstops and capture Pokémon using Pokéballs to gain experience points to advance through levels in the game.

The game uses a person's cellphone GPS to plot their point on a game map. Players must physically walk around to explore the game map.Floating leaves signal that a Pokémon is in that area. A tracker in the bottom right corner of the game screen indicates how close.Pokémon are tracked by footprints displayed next to the little monster's avatar. Each footprint is approximately 100 meters, according to a tip guide by The Washington Post. If the footprints decrease, you're going in the right direction.Once a trainer reaches level 5, they declare allegiance to one of three teams and battle Pokémon at gyms, which are displayed prominently on the map, for control, according to an article in Forbes.Items called incense and lures attract Pokémon. Lures are attached to Pokéstops and can be used by nearby trainers, The Washington Post reported. Incense affects only you and follows you. Both are available for sale at an in-game shop or are gained by leveling up.TermsTrainers: Anyone who uses the app.Pokémon: Little cartoon creatures that trainers capture.Pokéballs: Red and white balls that have a button in the middle that are used to capture Pokémon.Pokéstops: Predetermined markers on the map that hold some significance in real life. Lures can be attached at these to draw Pokémon in and trainers can collect items, like Pokéballs, here.Gyms: Major markers that trainers from three teams battle to control.Safety tipsPittston City Police Department offered several tips for people to stay safe and alert while playing Pokémon Go.• Avoid texting and walking.• Do not play or text while driving.• Follow traffic laws.• Do not cross into traffic.• Keep off private property.• Keep to well-lit areas.• Walk in groups.• Be mindful of your surroundings at all times.Source: Citizens' Voice