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Summer Science Fun with Agriculture 4-H day camp in Carbon announced

Carbon County 4-H is holding a day camp for all youth, ages 8 to 13 in Carbon County.

The 4-H day camp will be held at from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on July 15 at the Mauch Chunk Lake Park in Jim Thorpe.The day will be full of fun hands-on activities and experiments, which will focus on the sciences. Zoonotics, extracting DNA from a strawberry and making plantable cards are some of the fun things youth will be able to do.Registration is $10 for 4-H member; $15 for non-4-H member.Pre-registration is required by July 1, space is limited.For more information or to register, contact the Carbon County 4-H office at 570-325-2788 or

CarbonExt@psu.edu.The 4-H program is a youth organization that enables children to have fun, meet new people, build self-confidence and learn by doing cool things. Adult mentors are screened and trained to work with youth.The program is the youth component of Penn State University.