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Small Shops and Big Hearts

When you walk through the door of a small business in Carbon County, you'll most likely meet the owner of the shop who will greet you with a warm welcome and big smile.

We have a number of passionate business owners throughout the county who offer up a variety of services and specialty items.New businesses are opening their doors with red ribbons and big scissors celebrating grand openings throughout the county.As we get to know the owners of our local businesses, and what it takes behind the scenes to open their doors, there is a great appreciation for what they do.Early mornings, late nights and weekends add up to hours and hours of planning, designing, prepping and finalizing every detail to provide customers with a great product or service.We have the pleasure of getting to know the passionate people who are setting up shop in our small towns and are excited to help get the word out.Why "Buy Carbon County"? Here are 10 great reasons:1. Keep money in the neighborhood.For every $100 spent at a locally owned business, $45 goes back into the community - and our tax base.2. Embrace what makes us different! We are a county of neighborhoods.Where we shop, where we eat and hang out - all of it makes our neighborhood home.3. Get better service.Local businesses employ people who have an understanding of local conditions relating to the products they're selling, and you can get to know them.4. Buy what you want, not what someone wants you to buy.A thriving marketplace of tens of thousands of small businesses means competitive prices over the long-term. Local businesses choose products based on what their customers want and need, guaranteeing a diverse range of product choices.5. Create more good jobs.Small local businesses are one of the largest employers nationally and in the Lehigh Valley, and local businesses offer greater loyalty to their employees.6. Care for the environment.Independent businesses make purchases requiring less transportation. They usually set up shop in commercial corridors and urban cores. This means less energy consumed and less pollution.7. Support community groups.Nonprofits receive immeasurably more support from local business owners than they do from nonlocal businesses.8. Invest in the community.Local businesses are owned by people who live here, work here and are invested in our future.9. Put your taxes to good use.Local businesses pay local taxes.10. Show the world we believe in Carbon County.People are more likely to invest in or move to communities that preserve their one-of-a-kind businesses and unique attitude.So, when the doors open, it's time for all of us to patronize our businesses. When you are in need of a special gift, or need a service, always remember to shop small and keep it local. You'll have a great experience while supporting local jobs as you play your part in supporting economic growth in the county.Not sure of where to go? Give us a call or visit our website at

www.carboncountychamber.org as we will be happy to refer a small business! Our local businesses are truly the heart of America and are proudly here to serve.