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'Raise the Praise' tour in the house

"Altar Boyz" opens Saturday at the Pines Dinner Theater, 448 N. 17th St., Allentown. It runs through May 15.

"Altar Boyz" is a foot-stomping, rafter-raising, musical comedy about a fictitious Christian boy-band on the last night of their national 'Raise the Praise' tour. As they perform their signature hits such as "Rhythm in Me," "The Calling," and "I Believe," the Boyz question their loyalty to each other and ask whether or not faith is really holding them together. They finally deliver a message of unity, that "there is no star as bright as its constellation, no harmony in a single voice."Matinees are 12:30 p.m. dinner with a 2 p.m. show on Thursdays and Sundays.Evening performances are 6:30 p.m. dinner with an 8 p.m. show on Fridays and Saturdays. Tickets are available for the show only.For more information, visit


The Cast of "Altar Boyz," bottom, Richie Barrella as "Abraham"; middle, from left, Jonté Jaurel Culpepper as "Luke," Eddy Cavazos as "Juan," and Jody Hinkley as "Mark"; and top, Nathan Richardson as "Matthew."