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Lice detected at Pleasant Valley Elementary

At least twice a year Pleasant Valley Elementary school does a standard check for head lice.

According to Director of Support Services Josh Krebs it is common to find at least a dozen or so students each time the check in done.A recent check turned up six students at the elementary school."That's really a low number compared to what we usually see," said Krebs. "We will notify the classroom's parents and take precautions in the classroom to make sure that coats and other personal items don't touch each other."Krebs said a post on social media indicated that there was an "outbreak of head lice at PVE.""Not so, just the usual thing we see every year," Krebs said.It is not uncommon for children to encounter head lice. Often the adult head lice crawl from head to head by touching or sharing a brush or comb or a winter hat or scarf. Really any items which touch the head or neck may become a carrier of lice.Signs of liceChildren are especially susceptible to head lice infestations. Signs of infestation are itching, a feeling of tickling or crawling on the scalp, sleeplessness and irritability.There may also be small reddish dots on the scalp where the lice feed.Adult lice are 2-3 mm in length and can be seen. The nits, or eggs, appear as small brownish dots that cling to the base of the hair follicle.TreatmentThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends treating an outbreak with over-the-counter or prescription treatments. Follow the directions on the package.Once treated, you should continue to comb the hair with a fine-toothed comb to remove any dead or still living lice.Do not rewash hair for at least a day or two. Continue to check the scalp for two to four weeks after treatment.Any bedding or clothing the child has worn in the two days before treatment should be washed in hot water and dried.Any items that cannot be washed should be sealed into a plastic bag for at least two weeks to assure that the lice are dead.Once lice have no food source they die quickly.The CDC recommends vacuuming floors and any surfaces which the head may touch, like a sofa or chair.Family members should also be diligent in checking for lice.According to the CDC, lice are not known to carry disease and are not considered a health risk.Go to
