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What happened to gambling income?

Whatever happened to Pennsylvania’s income from gambling?

Have we been hoodwinked again? The great push for legalizing gambling in Pennsylania was that it would lower and/or eliminate property taxes! Well, it lowered it for some of us, but, surely did not eliminate it. Now, the politicians in charge are wimpering for ways to replace the money if and when they eliminate the property taxes.Our governor is troubling over how to balance the budget and much to our sorrow, is failing, terribly.So, in the long run, here we are, legalized gambling in Pennsylvania, casinos everywhere, people not leaving the state to gamble, casinos in Atlantic City being sold and/or closed because gamblers of Pennsylvania are no longer flocking to the Atlantic City, and on and on and on.Seems the legalized gambling in Pennsylvania hasn’t produced the great income we were told to expect! Where is it and where has it all gone? Someone’s pockets have been well-lined.As for balacing the budget, cut expenses!Let politicians cut their pay, pay their own health care and retirement fund! Stop politicians voting for their own pay raises!We the people need to “ask our bosses” for our raises — make the politicians ask “THEIR BOSS,” (we the people), for raises!That should help balance the budget.Ruthann SchlechtLehighton